This is an Erasmus+ - Project of the European Union and the Pädagogische Austauschdienst in Bonn, aiming to enhance filming skills and ICT skills of students and in a way also of their teachers by creating short films about social, political or psychological problems.
At the first meeting in Istanbul, which was for teachers only, the partners from schools in Turkey, Romania, Croatia, Germany and Spain decided to make films about the following topics:

  1. Gender inequality in Spain
  2. Democracy and its threats in Germany
  3. Current forms of relationships among young people in Croatia
  4. Europe unites us in Romania

After the first international meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, we had the second meeting in Mollet del Valles in Spain. Romania, Croatia, Germany and Turkey came here with up to six students, presenting some really good films – and having a really great time!
The Spanish were brilliant hosts, giving us a warm welcome at our arrival at the B & B Hotel in Mollet del Valles. In this hotel both teachers and students had to stay during this week, because due to Corona living in host families appeared to be too dangerous.
During this week we got to know the school and the town, and made trips to nearby Barcelona, visiting famous sights like the amazing church Familia sagrada or Gaudi Park.
And of course, each country presented the short film they had made about gender inequality in their country.
Now, all these films can be watched on this website. Please, have a look and be amazed about the intensity of the stories.
The other films are still to come, so please come back here again after the meeting in Germany in October ’22, in Croatia in February ’23 and in Romania in May ’23.

Our project is done. Thank you all for the amazing time!
