who we are


IGS Busecker Tal

IGS Busecker Tal is a state-run Integrated Comprehensive School (Intergrierte Gesamtschule IGS) in Germany, situated in a rural area 60 km northeast of Frankfurt am Main. Some 900 students aged 10 – 17 attend IGS Busecker Tal and some 70 teachers are working there. The school is open to students from any kind of social, religious or ethnic background. The main objective of an integrated comprehensive school is learning and studying together of all types of students in joint classes, disregarding the school-leaving-exam aimed for; thus this type of school “intergrates” the three-school system prevalent in Germany and prepares the way to “inclusion”. Apart from giving individual support to and enhancing social skills of all its pupils the school has put an emphasis on music / musical education, therefore a large number of students play a musical instrument. Concerts and musicals are performed on a frequent basis. In the school building there is a special music school, which gives students from our school and from other schools the chance to get additional musical tuition. Furthermore the school provides a strong sports department, equipped with two sport halls and a vast outside area with football grounds, basketball areas, a boulder wall and an in-door swimming pool, which is also open to the public. To support the “European idea” at our school, we organise frequent student exchanges with partner schools in France, Spain and Poland.
The school is equipped with smartboards for each of its years 5-10, additionally there are three central rooms with desk-tops for classes and special elective courses in IT.Various in-service teacher education programmes for designing new courses in internet safety and computer-based learning have been applied. A team of IT-teachers designs and implements modular concepts for PC-based learning and media literacy. Training modules called “Facebook, WhatsApp&Co”are taught regularly in years 5 and 6. In the near future a public W-lan is planned to be set up to enhance the chances of computer based learning; the risks (e.g. cyber-bullying) have to be faced and minimized whereas the benefits of individual computerbased learning will be strengthened.
Although our school is open to students from any cultural or religious background problems occur sometimes between different groups. Financial, social or psychological problems exist among parents and students, not only in our school, but also in the German society. We want to face these problems by using our IT-equipment and a variety of programs and apps to make trailers, videos and films about important social issues. In so doing we want our students to learn to think critically, to analyse the reasons of social problems and think about a possible cure, but also significantly improve there IT-  and film-making skills.

Check out this presentation about Germany
Germany Erasmus-Präsentation.pptx (37.57MB)
Check out this presentation about Germany
Germany Erasmus-Präsentation.pptx (37.57MB)


Şeyh Şamil Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

Giving importance to the project -based work and the use of technology, our vocational school has been determined to create qualified manpower as a vision. In our school chemical technologies, map-title deeds, cadaster and information technologies are three different fields in which our students have been trained. In this context, 763 student have been getting education at this school. Besides, 30 instructors for culture lectures, 25 teachers for vocational courses, 3 assistant principals and 1 principal have been employed at our institution moreover, many of our teachers are able to speak English fluently and accurately.

The students in our school are mostly from low-income families. They are coming from small-minded neighborhoods and conservative back-grounds. So it is too hard for us to change our students’ perspectives on life and to add them new visions due to that narrow-minded mentality. To improve the above-mentioned situation , we have aimed at realizing national and international projects as a solution .On account of all those reasons, we would like to participate in this project so as to change both  our teachers’ and students’ vision.  As  a matter of fact, almost all of our teachers volunteer for the project.

Actually, Two teachers will be the key people in charge of running the project in school. They are Ahmet Selçuk, Turkish language and literature teacher and Afife Altunyay, English language and literature teacher.Briefly ,Ahmet  Selçuk will be  responsible for carrying out operations  within our school and Afife Altunyay will be in charge to do business and perform any particular process among our foreign partners and conduct transactions with them .If these teachers leave their post in the future ,principal assistant Recai Ekenel and English teacher Umut Salamcı will take over their roles.

There haven’t been any international projects that have designed before in our school. However, we have 10 teachers who have participated in Erasmus+ projects at schools which they have already worked. Our teachers, who have taken different responsibilities in different projects before ,are going to contribute to the project significantly by means  of their experience ,coming together to complete the project.


Institut  Aiguaviva, which is located in Mollet del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain, has got a population of 52,000 inhabitants. It is mainly an industrial city and its pharmaceutical and chemical industry plays an important role in this area. Mollet del Vallès is only 20 km away from Barcelona and the excellent connection between both of them either by train or bus, enables a fast and easy  mobility of the population.

The school staff is made up of 45 teachers, one administrative assistant and two caretakers. Aiguaviva is a state secondary school that has 505 students who are between 12 and 18 years of age. The students from 12 to 16 are in the compulsory secondary education and about 60% of them continue onto optional upper secondary education as they want to enter university, whereas the rest usually undertake vocational training to enter a profession. Most of the subjects during the first period are mandatory and students have very few elective classes. However, things change when they start their A levels because it is then when they are able to choose the subjects that would suit best for their university studies. The A levels that can be studied at our school are Arts, Science and Technological ones and the two foreign languages are English and French. All the pupils have to study English and French is only taught to those students who have chosen it. Subjects are usually taught in Spanish and Catalan but some elective ones are given in English.

Most of our pupils come from the middle working class and just a few of them (5%) have serious economic problems. There are no refugees, although we have students from different nationalities. Most of them come from Morocco, South America and some Eastern Countries. The most popular after-school activities are related to sport, being football and basketball their favourites. Some of them also attend extra English lessons. Reading is not their favourite but they are all into listening to music and their mobiles.

Since our school started seven years ago, we have not taken part in any European projects yet, but getting one would be an enriching experience for our educational community. Our students are fond of meeting and working with peers from different countries as they have already shown in the different student exchanges we have been carrying out with France for the past four years.

Institut Aiguaviva has a close relationship with the primary schools of the city. We share information about the pupils in order to know their needs and problems so as to facilitate their future schooling. Every year, the oldest students of the primary schools spend a day with us doing some science activities, which we have prepared for them and some of our students go to their schools and become storytellers in English. These workshops are aimed not only to create a stronger link among our communities but also to learn from each other.


SUBJECTS- Romanian Language, English Language, French Language, Mathematics, History, Geography, Physical Education (P.E) Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Marketing Strategies, Marketing, Ethics and communication, Negotiation and Contracting, etc.
The school is motivated to be part of new projects which can enhance our experience and which can provide us the possibility to learn new things. Living in a European country, our students need to learn more about the European values and how to act in different situations in nowadays society. Being part of such a project, they can develop their skills and also their civic sense using a foreign language. These sort of activities can help our students  develop their communicative skills and to gain more respect and empathy. Adapting the European standards to the local needs can be seen as one of our goals.
The people in charge of running the project in the school:
Petre Nanu
Adelaida Petrancu
Marina Corina Chițu
Viorica Dorin
Gabriela Diaconu
Alina Melei
We are eager to be part of a new project, or new projects, and to gain experience for quality teaching and also being  in contact with different cultures and values we can learn and adapt them to our needs.  Our students’needs to develop different skills necessary for their future life have  been one of our goals. We believe that these sort of projects help them to communicate, to act healthy in different situations and for a better view of the facts.

Srednja skola – Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje

Secondary shool Centar za odgoj i obrazovanje, established in 1964, is located in capital of Croatia, Zagreb. The school is vocational school for students with learning disabilities that comes from all over Croatia, but mostly from Zagreb and surrounding. School has ap. 140 students (age 14-21) with learning disabilities and over 40 special teachers and other experts (education consellor, speech therapist) who work with them. Objectives of the school are: education and care for disabled children, helping them with socialisation and employment after finishing school. It is important for this project that we have a music therapist who works with children. He can make a valuable contribution to the project through which we will further improve our work. With our experience, we will also help partners use music as a valuable medium when working with children.
The school offers its students opportunities to grow personally and to take advantage of knowledge and experiences so that they can be a part of this society in the future no matter of their lower abilities. In our school SEN students can listen various programmes to become assistant: florist, gardener, cook and confectioner, bookbinder, car painter, wall painter, tailor, bagmaker, auto body repairman etc.
We have success participating in Student's community festivals - ceramic workshops, garbage-reusing etc. Successful activities of our organisation are Students´ Community, Art Group, Karaoke Competition, Young Journalists Group and very successful Sports Club Zagi. In 2006. School took a part as a partner in ´´Disabled people employment´´ project financed by EU (CARDS). In 2014. School got an award "PRINT OF HEART" for most innovative model volunteering given by NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR CIVIL SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT. Within the initiative to engage high school students in volunteer activities, school has organized a number of workshops, which we would like to encourage the pupils of secondary schools in empathy, understanding and acceptance of diversity with students disabilities. Around 80 students from regular secondary schools answered the invitation to participate in this initiative.
SEN students do not have digital skills developed enough. As we do not have IT teacher neather IT programme in our school curriculum, being involved in a project is a great way to learn and to improve our IT competences as well as to start using digital skills in formal education of SEN students.
People in charge:
Maja Postoglu–special teacher (previous experience in running projects)
Nikolina Pupić Grmovšek – special teacher (previous experience in running projects)
Margita Sabolić, special teacher (previous experience in running projects)